Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Medieval Porvoo, Finland, 2015

3 June, 2015
Porvoo is a beautiful medieval city with the old town built on a small hill next to a river. It is only 50 kilometers by bus from Helsinki and well worth the trip as it is one of the most popular destinations for a day trip.  Porvoo is the second oldest city in Finland. The delightful wooden buildings many of them on the river banks were built around the 14th century but are being well maintained today thus allowing visitors to see a little of medieval Finland.
We throughly enjoyed our day visit and were fortunate as the "Weather Gods" smiled on us that day enabling us to take loads of photos as usual.

Riverside Storage Buildings
Tom waiting patiently while Fran checks the shops.
Coffee and Cake Cafe!

Porvoo Catherdral

The Old Railway Station
Inside the Old Station

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