Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Vilho Anchorage the Jellyfish Lake, August, 2017


12 August, 2017
We have just moved Hamamas down from Tranquil Bay to Vilho anchorage as there is much more room to swing when the wind gets up later today. We wanted to put lots of anchor out and there wasn't much room in Tranquil Bay. It was just too crowded.
It's very hot especially down here as the bay is landlocked. We are missing our air con! All the repaired systems are working well although Tom had to replace the capacitors on the refrigeration system. Thank goodness for that box of spares! It really takes a while to get used to living on the boat in "cruising mode."

13 August 2017
It was like  being in a jellyfish lake in  the Vilho anchorage on Sunday. A rather large one was slurped into our generator outlet  on more than one occasion. So that meant another job or two for Tom to sort! The only reason we moved from  the glorious Tranquil Bay anchorage was because we were sheltering from the  very windy weather and need to be away from the charterers dragging their anchors all over the place or anchoring right on top of us. In addition  we were able to put heaps more chain out so we wouldn't move. 
We were supposed to have had very strong winds but it wasn't too bad really. Stronger winds did arrive eventually bringing  very welcome much cooler weather so much so that we were considering what warmer clothes we needed for the night!

15 August 2017
When the wind died down in Vilho anchorage we discovered that the jellyfish really loved our generator inlet so much that many more were being slurped up.This problem prevented us from running the generator frequently enough to keep the fridges at the temp Tom wanted. 
So we  decided to move back down to Tranquil Bay or even try to get onto the sailing holiday dock. That way we would be able to give  the fridges a good run either on dock power or on the generator without the jellyfish being slurped into the generator filter.Tom has also had to clean the gen set filter as well as replace the solar panel  fuses and the  capacitors for the fridge water pump. Thank goodness he is a "Mister Fix it."  with plenty of " spares"!
These are the joys of being a power hungry yacht on ⚓️ anchor. But we do like our luxuries, cool drinks and plenty of supplies.

When we arrived back in Tranquil Bay anchorage we were thrilled to find that our good friends on Gypsielady had already arrived from their last anchorage so naturally we had a morning tea "catchup" Later in the cool of the evening we dinghied ashore with them so we could have a delicious meal at the Roots Resturant  (one of their favourite restuarants). Our "catch ups" with Gypsielady has been frequent enough lately that we keep forgetting to take photographs!

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